Thursday, September 26, 2024

When the news is just a comment section

Most of my current affairs updates thus far are from IG stories and the TikTok FYP. So I'm trying to get into the habit of reading the news so I can access qualified journalists writing for media platforms that are credible and stuff.

Then I come across an article that's credited to two people that just reads like a comment section: 'We get distracted at home': Wellington debates pros and cons of WFH | RNZ News

The whole article is just - here are some people with opinions on the thing:
  1. Former dentist Julie Towarek reckons there's "nothing wrong with it [doing chores on the clock], but you know, let's face it."
  2. IT worker Aaron Eldridge reckons some people take the piss and some people do better from work and he's a "really big advocate for mental health". Really big.
  3. An unnamed woman saves around $350 a fortnight since she can WFH.
  4. Jacinta Harrop prefers the office but she knows others prefer home.

Four people have opinions - that's the whole article.

No contextual information. 

No data or statistics.

No expert opinion or analysis.

Just reckons.


Friday, September 20, 2024

Moments my students care for me

1. When they leave sweet messages on the whiteboard to say hi and that they appreciate me

2. When they pull goofy little faces and jokes to make me laugh

3. When I fell off my chair and instead of bursting out laughing, they immediately expressed concern and wouldn't move on until they were 100% sure I was alright 

4. When I tell them I'm having a bad day so my patience and capacity is low, and they are more subdued than normal for my sake

5. When they greet me by screaming and running to me for a hug

6. When they complain about a decision I've made, then listen to my reasoning, then say, "oh, yeah, okay nevermind"

7. When they bring me little snacks and just say, "here, Miss!"

8. When I'm walking through school and they offer to carry my things

9. When they tell me to take care of my mental health

10. When I apologise to them for snapping or reacting angrily at them and they say, "oh no Miss, we were being naughty!"

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

What if I just started writing again lol

 When I meet up with friends who I have not seen in months or years, they ask me how my writing is going.

I'm always taken aback because writing has taken such a backburner on my life, that I forget it was a thing I used to do.

I read old articles and blog posts and I feel so removed from that girl.

Did I... write?

Could I... write again?

What if it was just this? 

No depth, no nuance, no epiphanies.

What if I just wrote.